Release Roadmap

From Thrive Developer Wiki
Revision as of 02:43, 14 March 2025 by HyperbolicHadron (talk | contribs) (→‎0.8.x (world and auto-evo updates): Changed item to Planet Customization to better match planned work)
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This page contains a rough roadmap of future features for Thrive. For already complete features and done releases you can read the releases page on our Github,

We have a kanban board for concrete issues short(ish) term planning:


0.x Releases

These are releases towards more fleshed out microbe stage. This roadmap was discussed here.

0.8.x (world and auto-evo updates)

Difficult / help wanted:

0.9.x (finishing things off updates)

Difficult / help wanted:

1.x Releases

Microbe stage is "finished" focus moves to multicellular.


  • Microbe stage is finished
  • We should have at least multicellular no longer marked as a prototype by this time

2.x Releases

Multicellular stage is "finished" focus moves to macroscopic.

3.x Releases

Macroscopic stage is "finished" focus moves to aware stage.

Feature Backlog

This is a rough list of features that are planned, suggested or have been discussed in the past and haven't been rejected. Note that none of the listed features are not guaranteed to be implemented, as this list does not include the official plans of Revolutionary Studios, only potential features.

Once we have many planned features for different stages this list should be split to be by stage.

Main Features

These features are considered but still may not be implemented. They are divided into three categories of increasing relevance.

High Priority

These features are in demand for implementation when possible.

  • Nothing currently


These features are intended to be in the game eventually.


These features are deemed unessential to the game, but desirable.

  • Nothing currently

Debatable Features

These features need debating (or major design work) before being moved to the list of main features for implementing

  • Addition of seperate forms of a cell for lifecycle stages or interchangable "modes"
  • Gene Transfer
  • Endosymbiosis (full)
  • Patch addition or rebalance
  • Mobility altering gas vacuoles
  • Official Mac support. Once there's enough demand (potentially we should do code signed builds)
  • Reworking the spawn system to using an encounter / sector model (old pull request)
  • Organelle adjacency bonus / bonus from being at the cell edge