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Forest biomes are land biomes defined by large numbers of midlarge or above sized sessile organisms, usually autotrophs. These environments usually have a succession stage of 2 or higher, meaning they are moderately to highly biodiverse. The list of forest biomes is incomplete.

Cloud Forest

occurs: In Mountanous areas with high moisture
resources: Primarily dirt, abundant water, and it's own biodiversity
elevation: 500 m to 4000 m above sea level. * Elevation depends on planet average temp - the higher the temperature, the higher the clouds form and the higher the forest.
climate: About 8 to 20 C average temp, and about 500 to 10000 mm/year of rainfall. Atmospheric conditions will be altered by this biome
topography: Required = one side slopes downwards towards the ocean, one side reaches much higher than the cloud forest to create the rainshadow effect.
biodiversity: 4
autotroph niches: All. (Redwoods are Gargantuan) Also, epiphytes (bromeliads, spanish moss, mistletoe) and "parasitic" plants.
heterotroph niches: up to midsize, herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous.
other: Very high soil acidity, top layer comprised almost entirely of moss and peat. High Biomass and Biodiversity, stratified canopy.

Alpine forest

Occurs: on the sides of mountains
resources: rainfall, snowmelt
elevation: From about 5000 ft to upwards of 10,000. We also need to set a global temperature dependent tree line (altitude at which trees can no longer grow) as well as a tundra line, at which your plant size is reduced basically to lichen.
climate: Temperatures up to about 10 C. great temperature variation between day and night
Topography: sloped ground, poor soil
secession stage: 3
auautotroph niches: carnivores and herbivores up to midsize
heterotroph niches:up to huge. Evergreens or similar preferrable.
Other: comes after an Alpine meadow in sucession, unless said meadow is out of it's altitude range. Also, all organizms must be adapted to a thinner atmosphere, meaning less oxygen or whatever your critter breathes. High winds are probable.

Forested Wetlands: Riparian

occurs: Wherever a river spreads out to become a wetland where there is a large percentage of "Trees" or woody-stemmed autotrophs. Also, average slope must approach zero.
resources: Water, bottom muck, sometimes peat
elevation: not necessarily dependent on it - more dependent on temperature.
climate: Temperature above freezing for the growing season: approx. 3/4 of the year. Sorry, not loads of info on this - I'll update if/when I find some.
topography: average slope approaches zero. Water currents are present, but slow-moving.
biodiversity: 3
autotroph niches: up to large. (This may be adjusted, but the soil's none too stable, so nothing enormous.)
heterotroph niches: mostly herbivores/carnivores up to small
other: Soil will be variable: sometimes alkaline and sometimes acidic and resource poor. This is linked to the predominant type of trees.