Signaling Agent

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Organelle Details
Signaling Agent
Base Cost (MP) 45
Requires Nucleus Yes
Processes None
Enzymes None
Size (Hexes) 1
Osmoregulation Cost 1
Storage 0
Unique Yes
Upgrades None
Internal Name signalingAgent

Allows sending simple commands to other members of a cell's species via chemical signals in the water.


A cell must have a Nucleus to evolve Signaling Agents.


No processes.


No processes.


If the player cell has Signaling Agents, the player can press a hotkey (defaults to V) to open the signaling command panel and issue a command to all members of their species. Each command persists until a new command is chosen. The options are:

  • No command.
  • Move to me. Non-player cells of the player's species swarm the player cell.
  • Follow me. Non-player cells of the player's species move towards the player cell, but maintain some distance.
  • Flee from me. Non-player cells of the player's species move away from the player cell.
  • Become aggressive. Non-player cells of the player's species become significantly more likely to attack and chase other cells around them.

At the time of writing, non-player cells with Signaling Agents don't use them.


No upgrades.


While not essential, Signaling Agents are a good option if you wish to become a multicellular organism and enter the Multicellular Stage. By issuing the 'move to me' command, you can quickly gather other cells to bind with, providing you also have Binding Agents.

Or, by switching between the 'follow me' and 'become aggressive' commands, you can build a personal army to defend yourself from predators.

Scientific Background